Member - Last Mile Team

A Spanish startup that drives sustainable, digital, and socially responsible transitions on road freight transport.

Type Startup or self-employed
Founded 2016
Company Size 2
Member Type
Founders Angel Batalla
Headquarters 28522 Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Madrid, Spain
Social network
Last Mile Team


Last Mile Team is a Spanish startup that leverages cutting-edge technologies, including Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, to drive sustainable, digital, and socially responsible transitions in the road freight transport industry, yielding impactful results. Overall, our goal is to bring about a transformative change in the logistics value chain. Our achievements have received recognition through prestigious awards, such as the Mobility Challenge at #innovateagainstthevirus 2020, the Spanish Sustainable Mobility Award 2021, and the European ENTRANCE Open Challenge 2021. In 2021, our company was selected as a Case Study of Sustainability and Social Responsibility Good Practices within the European logistics and transport sector. As technical partners for the Madrid Living Lab Implementation and Operational Validation work packages of the EC-funded H2020 Research and Innovation Action called "LEAD," we have gained valuable experience. Our involvement extends to the Green City Logistics Framework, "LEAD" Value Cases, and the development of a Digital Twin Model and Simulation Environment. Since October 2021, we have successfully implemented our Digital Twin solutions within Madrid's largest Low Emissions Zone, covering a five-square-kilometer area with over 150,000 permanent residents and attracting more than 20,000 daily tourists. We are proud to report that our solutions have contributed to a remarkable 30% reduction in congestion and emissions, as well as up to a 25% decrease in the transport and delivery costs associated with existing vehicles. We were honored to be chosen as a European Sustainable City Logistics Best Practice in 2022 by the EIT Urban Mobility. Additionally, we were recognized in Tech4Good as a Sustainable City Logistics Best Practice in 2022, as part of the EC 100 Intelligent Cities Challenge marketplace. This recognition highlights that our Digital Twin solutions have significantly enhanced city logistics in Madrid, creating a scalable model applicable to all cities within the EU member states and beyond. Our developments in the 'LEAD' project have been acknowledged as a Key Exploitable Result of the project, published in the EC Horizon Results Platform. These developments provide a comprehensive analysis of key indicators for last-mile delivery systems in urban, peri-urban, and suburban settings. This analysis encompasses essential metrics including distance traversed, labor utilization, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) pertaining to both small and large vans and trucks encompassing internal combustion engines (ICE), hybrids (HV), and 100% electric vehicles. We have been approved by the EC as beneficiaries of diverse services provided by the Horizon Results Booster and Green Assist programs, to optimally capitalize on the exploitation potential of our research and innovation outcomes, while concurrently fostering the development of comprehensive business plans and strategies to facilitate seamless dissemination, and expedite market entry. Furthermore, we have been accepted into the first cohort of the Logistics 4.0 incubator, a project led by the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona and supported by Fundación INCYDE. We have been selected as one of the most promising startups in the logistics industry that develop their own technology, further supporting our advancement in technological innovation. As part of this achievement, we have been awarded a substantial Technological Services grant that will assist us in developing and training new machine learning models to continuously improve our Digital Twin and establish an Open Data Space connected with the common European mobility data.
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Headquarters 28522 Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Madrid, Spain

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

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