Member - The Smart Map |

Map of cirkular and sharing initiatives and startups. Co-created with local ambassadors and open source.

Type Startup or self-employed
Founded 2016
Company Size 3
Member Type
Founders Jonathan Mattebo Persson, Emma Öhrwall
Headquarters 418 76 Göteborg, Sverige
Social network
The Smart Map |


The Smart Map was created through a collaboration in an idea-driven public partnership (IOP) between the association Kollaborativ Ekonomi Göteborg and the City of Gothenburg, the administration consumer and citizen service. By making the sharing economy's activities, locations and networks visible, Smarta Kartan wants to encourage community, new meetings and access over ownership. On the map you will find bicycle kitchens, exchange groups, free shops, car pools and various digital platforms. This is about people and communities who share things. What is displayed on the web is determined by our criteria, which have been developed in consultation between KEG and the City of Gothenburg's administration Consumer and Citizen Services. The selection of activities takes place in consultation between the project owners and local newsrooms. Smart Map version 3.0 was launched in the spring of 2020 and has been funded by the City of Gothenburg and the national program Sharing Cities Sweden, SCS is part of the strategic innovation program Viable Cities, jointly funded by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and FORMAS. Subprojects have also been financed by Business Region Gothenburg.
Headquarters 418 76 Göteborg, Sverige

SDG’s of application

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
Clean water and sanitation
SDG 6 icon
Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 icon
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 icon
SDG 11
Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 11 icon
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 icon

The information set out above, is solely for the purposes of information and the Solar Impulse Foundation does not provide any guarantee as to its authenticity, completeness or accuracy. To validate the Membership to the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions, the Solar Impulse Foundation only verifies that each entity is registered and has signed our principles and values stated in the following World Alliance for Efficient Solutions charter. For those Members who are also solution providers, this information does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to buy into, transact or to enter into any agreement with any of the parties or persons mentioned above. Potential investors or interested parties are solely responsible for their investment or business decisions and for performing any due diligence required by the circumstances.