BNP Paribas, together with Solar Impulse, Michelin and Engie, is mobilising networks to develop solutions that scale up energy efficiency and reinvest the gains in the energy transition
Here’s why:
We are all convinced of the urgency of the transition to a lower carbon economy. Energy efficiency is a major stake when it comes to reducing gas emissions, fighting climate change and accelerating growth in an inclusive and sustainable way. It accounts for ~40% of the required reduction in greenhouse gases emissions to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement by 2050.
Energy efficiency also brings major benefits, and in particular generates short-term savings. Energy efficiency is therefore a perfect match between environmental and financial targets.
We want our community of interest to foster concrete collaborations to boost business opportunities and generate gains for its members, be they revenues for stakeholders providing energy efficiency solutions or savings for companies implementing them. But beyond that we have the ambition to create a virtuous circle where energy efficiency would finance the energy transition.
BNP Paribas, Solar Impulse, Michelin and ENGIE – under the umbrella of Movin’On – are collaborating to bring together their network in a community of experts including energy efficiency champions, solutions users and innovative start-ups, or other organisations and public authorities.
A concrete example of our first contribution is a list of all the solutions labelled by Solar Impulse, which you can find here:
Discover more about how our community of interest – led by BNP Paribas – is taking the stand on these topics.