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BS2 Zeleganz

A high efficient heat pump with seasonal heating, cooling and hybrid solar collectors

June 2018


Questa pagina, originariamente pubblicata in inglese, è offerta in italian con l'aiuto di traduttori automatici. Avete bisogno di aiuto? Contattateci

BS2 Zeleganz

A high efficient heat pump with seasonal heating, cooling and hybrid solar collectors

  • World Alliance Member
  • Featured Solution
  • Labelled Solution
Data del certificato 21 giugno 2018
Dal Svizzera
Fase di maturità TRL 9 / CRI 2 - Prova commerciale su piccola scala

The system allows a building to achieve maximal thermal autarchy and minimal electricity demand in winter. Its design streamlines the planning and implementation processes, and the heat pump's integrated control unit, coupled with a user-friendly interface app, enables easy and remote monitoring. Additional features like optimisation of on-site PV production or e-mobility can also be integrated to this unit. The efficiency achieved for heating, cooling, and supplying hot water are comparable to those of state-of-the art large-scale operations not normally attainable in smaller projects.

I benefici per l'ambiente

  • All-in-one package of emission-free buildings system.
  • Low Exergy heat-pump system with maximum efficiency in Winter, leading to minimal external energy demand.
  • Competitive LCC due to standardization of thermodynamically complex system
  • Up to 94% reduction of CO2 emissions compared to a building system running on fossil fuels.

I vantaggi finanziari

  • Stable and competitive long-term costs

Profilo del cliente target

Regione di attività

  • Sede operativa
  • Attività

Profilo Richiedente


Tecnologia e servizi per un'architettura e una gestione degli edifici economiche e senza emissioni.

Sede operativa 8952 Schlieren, Switzerland
Tipo Azienda
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The information set out above, is solely for the purposes of information and the Solar Impulse Foundation does not provide any guarantee as to its authenticity, completeness or accuracy. This information does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to buy into, transact or to enter into any agreement with any of the parties or persons mentioned above. Potential investors or interested parties are solely responsible for their investment or business decisions and for performing any due diligence required by the circumstances. The innovator BS2 AG has asserted ownership of the intellectual property rights for images, videos, and content showcased above, affirming full and unrestricted usage rights, and has provided explicit permission for the Solar Impulse Foundation to publish such information designated as "public" in the application form.