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Sign upSustainable and safe chemical blowing agent for foam producers
Sustainable and safe chemical blowing agent for foam producers
Alve-One® foaming solutions are based on a portfolio of safe chemical blowing agents that may be tailored to the needs of the thermoplastics, elastomers and PVC (rigid and flexible) foam producers. It supports customers to be in the frontline of their market segments by helping them achieve their specific requirements of desired plastics' properties such as low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and odor, lightweight, thermal and sound insulation, cushioning, softness, and appearance. Thus, Alve-One® can be used in a wide range of applications in the automotive industry (interior and exterior parts), flooring, footwear, building and construction markets among others. Alve-One® allows to foam plastics in a safer way as these products are neither skin irritating nor respiratory sensitizer. The foamed end-products will also be safer to the end users as no harmful residues generated from the foaming agent decomposition will be found in them.
At Solvay, we’re mastering the elements essential to our world.
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