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Sign upA cryogenic liquefaction solution to temporarily store excess biomethane production from AD plants.
A cryogenic liquefaction solution to temporarily store excess biomethane production from AD plants.
Azola BIO aims to tackle the following problems: -Loss of income impacting biomethane injection projects due to seasonal/recurrent low gas demand periods -Lost biomethane injected into gas distribution networks due to flared production as a response to congestion occurrences. -Lack of profitability for certain remote methanization projects that cannot be connected to a nearby network mesh. Azola developed a modular, no rotary machinery and low CAPEX solution for biomethane producers that comes with an integrated polishing, liquefaction-cryogenic storage, vaporization-reinjection, and plant control solution. The process uses an open cycle of liquid nitrogen for liquefaction, and where nitrogen is further valorised to regenerate the polishing unit's adsorption columns. The reinjection module uses a pressure build up PBU system, to vaporize and reinject the stored liquid biomethane into the grid. The whole process is automated for start-up and shutdown and could be remotely controlled and operated.
An intermittent storage solution aimed at suppressing flaring in biomethane production sites during low demand periods.
International Cleantech Network
The International Cleantech Network (ICN) is a global network of 13 cleantech clusters on the international forefront of providing innovative and sustainable solutions to meet the growing demand for green technologies.
ADEME - The French Agency for Ecological Transition- is a public agency under the joint authority of the Ministry for an Ecological Transition and the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
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