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Sign upTurning captured carbon dioxide into inert rocks deep underground
Turning captured carbon dioxide into inert rocks deep underground
44.01 eliminates CO2 by turning it into rock. The company's technology accelerates the natural process of CO2 mineralisation to remove captured CO2 permanently in less than twelve months. 44.01 takes CO2 captured directly from the air, or from hard-to-abate industrial processes, helping decarbonise vital industries and ultimately return the atmosphere to sustainable levels of CO2. The process is safe, scalable and lasts forever. 44.01 works with a commonly-found rock called peridotite, that naturally reacts with CO2 to convert the CO2 into calcite. To accelerate this reaction, 44.01 dissolves captured CO2 in water, then injects this fluid into formations of peridotite deep underground. There, because of the temperature, pressure and the concentration of the CO2 in the fluid, the CO2 mineralises rapidly. 44.01 uses a range of physical and chemical monitoring and verification techniques to confirm the CO2 has been contained in the subsurface and ultimately mineralised.
We eliminate CO2 by turning it into rock using the natural power of mineralisation.
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