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Sign upDemocratization of tree ownership for sustainable development and profit
Democratization of tree ownership for sustainable development and profit
As a result of poor forest management, parcels are left abandoned and there is a lack of investment in the forest sector and wood supply, carbon emissions are unbalanced and biodiversity is in constant decline. To engage a proper fight against climate change we need everyone to play along and take pro-environment actions, continuously. EcoTree offers a unique tree-planting investment solution, which makes an environmental-friendly action such as planting trees something simple, tangible, and especially something financially viable/profitable! In other words, EcoTree rewards being environmental-friendly! EcoTree has successfully initiated a revolution in the "green" investments field by digitalizing and democratizing investments in tree planting, which results in a concrete compensation of CO2 footprint and preservation of biodiversity!
A simple and ground-breaking new way to reward individuals and businesses that support sustainable forestry.
Cleantech Open France
The Cleantech Open France is looking for the best clean technology ideas from around the country. This is the largest cleantech accelerator program in France and it belongs to the largest international network of cleantech startups, the Cleantech Open founded in California, which has a presence in more than 20 countries worldwide.
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