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Sign upTransforming DNA collected in the environment (eDNA) into reliable indicators to objectify business biodiversity actions
Transforming DNA collected in the environment (eDNA) into reliable indicators to objectify business biodiversity actions
Our Solution is based on our methodology, called environmental DNA. The principle is simple: all living organisms leave DNA traces in their environment. It is thus possible, based on a simple sample of the environment such as water from a pond or a river, seawater, a little soil or honey, to recover and analyze this DNA to precisely determine the biodiversity present in the ecosystem. And when we talk about biodiversity, we talk about all living organisms, from bacteria to humans. In our laboratory, the DNA present in the sample is extracted. This DNA is generally present in small quantities and must therefore be amplified by PCR. After DNA sequencing, our bioinformaticians analyze and interpret this data with the help of our ecologist team. The method is powerful and can be applied to monitoring biodiversity for effective conservation, impact mitigation and restoration projects, but also for the detection and monitoring of pathogens or bacteria in wastewater or industrial processes.
En tant que promoteur de la biodiversité, E-BIOM combine un laboratoire d'analyse et un bureau de conseil.
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