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Sign upA new energy-efficient and water-based cooling technology
A new energy-efficient and water-based cooling technology
Today’s standard for cooling our buildings and facilities relies upon a century-old cooling technology called "Vapour Compression Cooling". It consists of a mechanical compressor that consumes significant amounts of electricity, which makes these systems costly to operate. It also uses synthetic refrigerants that tend to leak at a rate of 7-10% annually and are over 1000 times more detrimental in terms of global warming than CO2. Enersion has solved these problems by introducing a new cooling technology that uses low-grade heat (~60 C) instead of electricity as the energy input, and water as a refrigerant in a vacuum-sealed system. The Enersion technology uses 70% less electricity without any harmful refrigerants. By replacing the mechanical compression with thermal compression, this innovative system reaches a coefficient of performance exceeding 23 for electrical performance and 0.6 for thermal performance.
Enersion Inc.
We provide cooling solutions powered by waste heat instead of electricity and using no harmful refrigerant
We leverage provincial and territorial strengths to support the scale-up of Canadian cleantech.
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