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Sign upA spatialized biodiversity and Carbon footprint SaaS Software solution for industries and their products
A spatialized biodiversity and Carbon footprint SaaS Software solution for industries and their products
Our solution, FootPrint Target, is a holistic SaaS solution that identifies, ranks and priorities the environmental impacts of industries with the goal of minimizing its contribution to biodiversity extinction by improving its practices. Companies have to consider both climate change and biodiversity loss to be compliant with the next regulations but also to better identify the strategic and operational risks that could weight on their P&L account. Our solution assesses natural habitats degradation, overexploitation of resources, climate change, pollution and invasive species’ introduction risk with the help of spatial data. It proposes positive solutions to improve the practices of industries by taking in account its financial constraints.
Green Score Capital
Spatialized biodiversity and Carbon footprint SaaS Software solution for industries and their products
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