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Sign upThe world’s most powerful wind turbine with a 12 MW capacity
The world’s most powerful wind turbine with a 12 MW capacity
Today, most wind power produced is dependent on subsidies to reach a competitive price. The Haliade-X Solution solves this challenge by providing a high power, efficient wind turbine. A larger wind turbine enables a lower electricity price since it lowers the number of cabling, foundations material and installation while increasing the electricity yield, thanks to a larger rotor relative to the size of the generators. The wind turbine’s capacity factor is increased up to 12 MW, enabling a lower cost of electricity. By using new technologies, the Haliade-X is able to capture the advantage of scaling up wind turbines and can outperform the capacity of competitors by up to 50%.
GE Vernova
We are leading a new era of energy – electrifying the world while simultaneously working to decarbonize it
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