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iLander Forest

The satellite scanner of the forest, allowing at scale analysis and diagnostics of tree populations for foresters

June 2024

iLander Forest

The satellite scanner of the forest, allowing at scale analysis and diagnostics of tree populations for foresters

  • World Alliance Member
  • Featured Solution
  • Labelled Solution
Label Date June 24, 2024
From France
Maturity stage TRL 9 / CRI 2 - Commercial Trial Small Scale

Ilander-Forest is a forestry management tool, providing precise and up to date information on forest content to forestry professionals. The solution relies on the analysis of satellite images to determine automatically the location and distribution of tree species in the forest, and to monitor tree health. Cybeletech has created this tool to provide forestry experts with all the necessary data for informed decision making in forest management, including early tree-health deterioration alerts to ensure a quick response to the hazard.

The Environmental Benefits

  • Accuracy over 90% for all managed tree species
  • Data updated monthly at scale
  • The forest is a major carbon sink. The yearly carbon sequestration of French forests has dropped from 83 million tons of CO2 in 2018 to 31.2 million tons in 2024. By enabling the foresters to harvest trees before the wood decays, the solution contribute
  • 1 cubic meter of wood used as a material avoids 1 ton of fossil CO2 emissions generated for the production and use of another material (average values). Currently, only half of the wood naturally produced by forests is harvested.(source: ecology ministr
  • In the last decade: 80% rise in tree mortality (2005-2013: 7.4 M.m3/yr; 2013-2021: 13.1 M.m3/yr) This annual mortality flux = 0.5% of living wood volume. Early warnings of health decline allow experts to react quickly and avoid diseases spreading. (IGN)
  • More than half of forest plant species, 17% of forest bird species, and 7% of forest mammal species are considered to be threatened. (Source:

The Financial Benefits

  • Payback in less than 6 months
  • Operational efficiency drastically improved - monthly automatic updates on entire region, compared to ad hoc updates on small areas (entire area updated every 10 years)
  • Lost resource decrease - collection of high-value wood when tree health starts declining, before the wood decays.

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Cybeletech provides solutions to reduce uncertainty in agriculture and sylviculture

Headquarters 45100 Orléans, France
Type Startup or self-employed
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