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Sign upInsulation based on mineral foam for better energy conservation
Insulation based on mineral foam for better energy conservation
This foam is a rigid, new material with insulation and fireproofing properties, that can be used in production and construction sector alike. Manufacturing plants are implemented locally and valorise natural or recycled minerals (that count for 90% of the end product) thanks to a safe, scalable, frugal process: Mineral raw materials (natural, recovered or recycled materials) are mixed to IPSIIS adjuvants (patented food grade additive, mineral binder) and aerated: the mineral foam is applied directly on site or moulded. A drying phase at room temperature yields rigid, protective mineral foam.
Refractory mineral foams specialist
Réseau PEXE, the French Cleantech network, is the leading network of French cleantech clusters. Its main objective is to structure and promote the cleantech industry to accelerate the development of its 5000 SMEs.
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