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Sign upA different approach to the Airborne Wind Energy green technology
A different approach to the Airborne Wind Energy green technology
KGM1 is a new brand for power generation that uses the most powerful green technology called airborne wind energy (AWE) for off-grid populations, a growing market with 800 million users. Inuit, Sami, remote communities, islands, disaster lands; lots having low sun, high winds and clipping logistic problems, 60% of communities use diesel generators with power around 20kW. It offers a mobile wind energy system (10-20 kW rated) using kites that is up to 50% economical and up to 90% weight-saving compared to current wind turbines. Easy to transport/install, is the first prototype worldwide tested with an always positive energy production duty cycle. To make a simple comparison, this generation technology works like a Kitesurfer who is kiting, but it also puts in rotation a generator. It is now managed by GHIVA Prog. CAD and structured on a less demanding Off-Grid market, but will then reach the On-Grid market with larger sizes and fully automated generation systems in a later phase.
GHIVA Progettazione CAD
A different approach to the "Airborne Wind Energy" Technology, the most powerful among the new Green Energies.
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