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Sign upA shared charging and battery swapping infrastructure for electric vehicles nearby
A shared charging and battery swapping infrastructure for electric vehicles nearby
LithionPower offers an open shared charging & battery swapping infrastructure where you can exchange a discharged battery for a charged one in 2-3 mins. It facilitates optimal energy utilization (from batteries) for end-customers (fleet managers/drivers). It also enables optimal matching of energy requirements for a vehicle-battery-driver combination with a charged battery nearby. LithionPower also provides smart connected patent-pending components like motor controllers, battery management systems, telemetry units, chargers, etc. For asset owners, LithionPower offers risk management solutions using real-time (technical, location, payment) data & IoT modules, thereby giving programmatic remote control & full visibility of assets at all times.
LithionPower provides intelligent energy solutions for Electric Vehicles enabling optimal energy delivery via batteries
Premier écosystème mondial de co-innovation autour des défis de la mobilité durable.
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