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Sign upOnsite elimination of waste activated sludge into food for microbes
Onsite elimination of waste activated sludge into food for microbes
The MicroPoP technology focusses on the common and costly waste to dispose of from microbial waste water treatment processing called WAS (waste activated sludge), which is excess waste bacteria to be disposed of. MicroPoP simply lyses (or pops) 100% of the bacteria in the WAS, better than competitors, thereby making an easy food source for the bacteria back in the aerobic or anaerobic treatment system. The digester or waste treatment system bacteria can easily and quickly eat this new food eliminating the waste in a beneficial manner. MicroPoP can be applied beneficially from both an economic and environmental standpoint at almost every industrial facility that uses microbial wastewater treatment processes and that produces WAS. The savings that can be achieved over what is done today can be re-applied to other social purposes.
Eagleridge Innovations Corporation
MicroPoP destroys waste microbial sludge from wastewater treatment plants that serve cities and some industries
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