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A smart and modular li-ion battery system that can monitor and optimize itself

November 2019


A smart and modular li-ion battery system that can monitor and optimize itself

  • World Alliance Member
  • Featured Solution
  • Labelled Solution
Label Date November 27, 2019
From United Kingdom
Maturity stage TRL 6 / 7 - Prototype demonstration 1:1

The result is an advanced battery electronic system having low cost by simplifying assembly and manufacturing process significantly and allowing maximum battery system longevity with a broader range and less expensive li-ion battery cell type. The solution is specifically designed for on- and off-grid stationary energy storage in developing countries. It incorporates several innovative designs that address safety, cost and on-ground maintainability of a highly scalable battery module system. Using unconventional and innovative electronics and sensors design, it is a complete battery system utilizing new or used small cylindrical li-ion battery cells called 18650 safely and at a low cost. A typical 18650 li-ion battery is typically discarded at 70-80% remaining capacity while PowerBRIC can utilize the same cell up until 20% remaining capacity – tripling its life.

The Environmental Benefits

  • Up to 800 million kg of carbon dioxide displaced in sub Saharan Africa, South East Asia and South America
  • 10.5t CO2 displaced per year per system

The Financial Benefits

  • Payback reached in 3 years
  • Improves productivity and profitability leading to up to 100% increase in farmer income after the 3 years

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Company Profile

ALP Technologies LTD.

Alp is an engineering start-up focused on developing renewable energy technologies for the low-income countries.

Headquarters London E17 6BX, UK
Type Startup or self-employed
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