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Sign upA predictive model for continuous galvanizing line operation
A predictive model for continuous galvanizing line operation
The SmartLine is a fully automatic strip processing line control system based on predictive modeling, to ensure the best quality yield and productivity. It combines process control, metallurgical know-how and a dedicated IT architecture. The solution links all key processes in a real time basis, anticipates process conditions and adapts them continuously according to line speed, to establish with minimal error the desired final mechanical and surface properties of the finished coils. It integrates a self-learning module to prevent long term deviation and allows process and line instrumentation evolution. The solution can be used to control any steel process line for flat products, such as continuous galvanizing lines (CGL) or continuous annealing lines (CAL). It enhances quality and productivity, while also allowing energy and material savings (reduction of material waste, energy and zinc consumption).
Fives, an industrial engineering group with an extensive multi-sector expertise
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