01. Definition
What is the energy crisis?
In recent years, many scientists have raised their voice to warn about climate change, caused notably by the burning of oil and coal in order to produce energy.
Solutions to the energy crisis
Over the last two centuries, energy needs have skyrocketed dramatically, especially because of the transportation and industry sectors. However, fossil fuel are polluting and their reserves are limited. We know today that these resources are close to exhaustion and our societies are facing a major challenge: the energy crisis.
01. Definition
02. Causes
03. Impacts
04. Solutions
05. Implementations
vadiMAP Platform by vadiMAP implemented by City of Shawinigan in Shawinigan (Canada) in 2023
Solar Cloth thin film photovoltaic panel by Solar Cloth implemented by French Institute for Agronomic Research in Antibes (France) in 2021
Solar Cloth thin film photovoltaic panel by Solar Cloth implemented by EDF in Paris (France) in 2024
Desolenator by Desolenator implemented by Silal in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) in 2023
Desolenator by Desolenator implemented by Carlsberg Group in Bengal (India) in 2020
Desolenator by Desolenator implemented by Dubai Water and Electricity Authority in Dubaï (United Arab Emirates) in 2022
Floating Drum Turbine by Green Energy Development Co. implemented by Alborz Caspian Fish Farm in Karaj (Iran) in 2020
Offshore Floating Solar Units by SolarinBlue implemented by Port de Sète in Sète (France) in 2023
Helios Exchange by Helios Exchange, Inc. implemented by New York City in New York (United-States) in 2019
SFERENO Pro by SFERENO implemented by City of Lille in Lille (France) in 2019
Anaerobic bio-digester to proceed organic waste by ENWISE implemented by Auchan in Shanghai (China) in 2017
MPower Ventures by MPower Ventures implemented by Kamanjab Municipality in Kamanjab (Namibia) in 2024
System O)) by DBO International implemented by SouthernCopperCorporation in Huaytire (Peru) in 2020
RetroKit Energy Upscaling Technology by RetroKit Ltd implemented by Cork City Council in Cork (Ireland) in 2020
Moduly Nødz by Moduly implemented by Alabama Power in Birmingham (United States) in 2023
Sympheny by Urban Sympheny AG implemented by IBC Energie Wasser Chur in Dübendorf (Switzerland) in 2020
06. Conclusion