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Sign upA waste management solution that turns organic waste to energy and fertilizers
A waste management solution that turns organic waste to energy and fertilizers
The solution aims to transform organic waste into resources, in order to provide the world a sustainable, profitable and ecologically waste treatment solution for all food valued chain users. This Solution is installed on-site and locally processes organic waste as it is produced; it uses dry anaerobic digestion technology which generate biogas during waste process fermentation and the biogas can be turned into green energy such as electricity, hot water, cool water, steam etc., to help the users economize energy usage. By using this Solution, you gain a convenient source of organic fertilizers and biogas while disposing of your waste!
Enwise provides high efficiency bio-reactor that helps to produce organic waste onsite and generate renewable energy
Plug and Play China
Plug and Play, the world’s earliest and largest technology venture accelerator, focuses on developing a globalized innovative ecosystem. PNP China has invested and incubated over 300 Chinese startups.
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