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Sign upColor-optimized solar modules allowing the combination of energy and crops production
Color-optimized solar modules allowing the combination of energy and crops production
Food systems have a significant carbon footprint and a lot can be done to decarbonate our favorite fruits and vegetables. Voltiris' solution, consisting of color-optimized solar modules compatible with crop production, enables the energetic transition of greenhouses and allows greenhouse owners to gain in sustainability, energetic independence and viability. The solution, based on a spectral filtering technology, is compatible with high-light crops. Hence, growers can fully leverage the large surface of their greenhouses to cover them at max 35% with Voltiris modules. For a standard 5ha greenhouse, this results in up to ~17,500 solar modules installed, hence transforming the greenhouse into a photovoltaic power plant. The solution brings innovations on both the solar module and an innovative 2-axis solar-tracking system that allow to produce as much electricity as standard panels resulting in a very competitive LCOE.
Voltiris enables the energy transition of greenhouses by developing color-optimized solar modules compatible with crops
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