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An easy-to-use, inflatable, automatic, and foldable wing sail, using wind propulsion to decrease fuel and GHG emissions

July 2023


An easy-to-use, inflatable, automatic, and foldable wing sail, using wind propulsion to decrease fuel and GHG emissions

  • World Alliance Member
  • Featured Solution
  • Labelled Solution
Label Date July 11, 2023
From France
Maturity stage TRL 6 / 7 - Prototype demonstration 1:1

WISAMO -Wing Sail Mobility- aims to contribute to maritime transport decarbonization improving the environmental footprint of bigger ships, decreasing their fuel consumption and their GHG emissions. WISAMO solution is a large inflatable, foldable and automated wing sail using the universal and free energy of wind propulsion, operable on any vessel -as original equipment or on those ones already operating. The wing's principle is to be inflated with small fans. It is automated and it may be deployed or completely lowered thanks to a telescopic mast according to weather conditions or to facilitate the boat's mobility i.e. when passing under a bridge, when operating on the unloading dock. The position of the mast has been particularly studied to be close to the thrust center of the wing in order to be more efficient. The main differentiating characteristics of WISAMO is the simplicity of usage, optimum power in upwind conditions -the most frequent use case, and efficiency in a large range of winds.

The Environmental Benefits

  • Large wind usage range from 30° to 135°with an optimum performance between 45° and 135° (a contrario from 60° to 150°for a generic sail, with a heavy drop of performance from 45°)
  • As 75% of wind forces met on main commercial routes are less than 17 knots (IMO - MEPC.1/Circ.896), vessel speeds will create apparent wind more profitable for Wisamo performance (capacity to sail upwind)
  • Thanks to its foldable mast, impact on vessel stability will be limited and preliminary fatigue will be avoided
  • Save up to 20% fuel consumption so up to 20% CO2 emissions
  • Usable in most weather conditions between minus 10 Celsius degrees to 50 Celsius degrees
  • As CO2 is the result of the combustion of Carbon and Oxygen, 1 ton of Marine Diesel oil uses will generate 3 tons of CO2, this saving represents a double impact : reducing GHG emissions and reduce the consumption of a limited energy source

The Financial Benefits

  • Around 5 years payback time
  • Mast lifetime of 20 years, and renewable wing after 5 year usage
  • 0 cost linked to operation downtime, even for retrofit implementation

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Dedicated to sustainably improving the mobility of goods and people by manufacturing and marketing tires and services.

Headquarters 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
Type Company
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