Clean, efficient and profitable solutions to contribute to achieve 5 SDGs
In September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Over the next decade, the SDGs must form an action plan to free humanity from poverty and put the planet back on the road to sustainability.
These objectives, which are one and inseparable, reflect the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and ecological aspects.
01. Definition
The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity everywhere.
These 17 goals form a unique fusion of two global agendas, namely sustainable development and development cooperation. The focus of this agenda is on "universality", which means that implementation must be ensured not only in the Global South, but also on the entire planet.
In order to monitor progress in achieving the UN goals and subgoals, a set of 242 global indicators to measure the 169 sub-targets was presented in March 2016. A central aspect is that several indicators should be divided into relevant categories such as gender, age, geographical location, etc. The SDGs can be divided into 5 main themes: people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership.
02. SDG’s of application
At Solar Impulse, we are focusing on 5 SDGs:
Clean Water and Sanitation
Water production, water treatment, water distribution and use
Affordable and Clean Energy
Clean energy production, energy from waste, renewable fuels, energy distribution and management, energy storage
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Industrial processes, materials and chemistry, freight transportation, end-of-pipe industrial pollution management
SDG 11
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Urban and inter-urban mobility, communities’ infrastructures, buildings and shelters
SDG 12
Responsible Production and Consumption
Agriculture and farming for food production,circular economy of solid wastes, primary resources management
The World Alliance, through the Solar Impulse Foundation, is selecting 1000 clean and efficient solutions that preserve the environment in a profitable way.
In order to be assessed by our independent experts and get the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label, these solutions must contribute to the achievement of one or more of these 5 Sustainable Development Goals.
Do you have an efficient solution to submit?
Sign up to become a Member of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions and submit it now!
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Independent Experts will evaluate your project (2-3 weeks)
Obtain the Solar Impulse Label and be listed as one of the #1000 Solutions